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What is new: New and revised definitions and related words Updated audio pronunciations Improved one-click integration with other programs Better one-click 64-bit and Windows 8 program support Keyboard hotkeys for Bookmark menu items Auto-detect support for latest 3-rd party Concise Oxford and Merriam-Webster |
Version: 7.0
Size: 13 mb
Category: Others|Home & Education
Developer: Antony Lewis
Size: 13 mb
Category: Others|Home & Education
Developer: Antony Lewis
WordWeb is a powerful English dictionary and thesaurus. Find definitions and synonyms, as well as various sets of related words. Find definitions and synonyms with one-click look! The database has over 150,000 root words and 120,000 synonyms. The program can be used separately or in combination with almost any program on Windows. WordWeb Pro can look up words in almost any program with just one click: just hold down the Ctrl key and click the word. If you are online, click on one of the photos can also search web references such as the Wikipedia. Shortcut keys can be customized, or you can use the keyboard shortcut if you want. If you are editing a document, you can select a synonym and replace the look-up word. WordWeb is a way to bring widely used as synonyms, great for helping you write clear, easy to understand English. If you are looking for a particular type of expression you can click a noun, verb, adjective, or attachment buttons to show only the relevant synonyms and related vocabu nu. In order to view the particular sense you can click recognize the number. Browsing around related words is simple: click on synonyms, antonyms cards, components, component types, types that are similar to, watch, and forms. To see the definition of one of the related words double-click the word. You can also use the forward and back buttons. Related words are the + and - buttons to be more or less specific. For example, if you look at similar words, you might like to see the words that are more loosely similar: you can do this by pressing the + button, and back by pressing the - button.
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